St. Dominic's Outreach
Set-Up (all)
- 16 tables one long table, white chairs
- Bread Dishes (clear plastic)
- Table cloths, cups, forks, knives, napkins, salt, pepper
- Coffee and dessert table by stage, mugs, sugar, milk, small plates
- Clean clothing room, and shower room for night.
Greeter (2)
- Welcome people, write names neatly down on paper in order of arrival.
You need to be at St. Dominic's by 5:15pm to do this task.
- Ask each person if they would like to take a shower.
- At 6pm have people looking to shower start going down.
- Clothing room opens after dinner.
Kitchen (3) - Our goal is to make everyone feel like they are in a fancy restaurant.
- Only people in kitchen should be people heating food.
- Food is served family style.
Servers (8)
- Stay by table and wait for food to be brought to them.
- Serve two (sometimes three) to your right and two to your left.
- Never ever walk up and down the table asking if anyone wants. Its not a soup kitchen or detention center.
Drinks (2 or 4) serving all
-Water, soda and lemon aide
-Move around and fill glasses
Dish Washer/Drier (4)
-Wash dishes, glasses, utensils, etc. Be mindful of the small water tank give it time to refill.
-Put all items away NEATLY in closet. If you don't know where it goes please ask.
Clothing Room (3)
- Everyone is allowed
1 L/S shirt, 1 S/S shirt, 1 pair of pants, 1 hoodie or jacket,
1 pair of underwear, 1 pair of sneakers
- Maintain closet and neatness
- Put hangers in storage box
- Put clothes back on hangers
- If guest are not listening to rules alert VINNY IMMEDIATELY.
Shower (3)
- Bring person to clothing room for needed supplies
- Give them wash cloth and towel.
- Remind them clothes they don't want can go in trash.
- They should put towels in hamper.
- Spray shower down and leave door open to let steam out.